Dr Johanna Lynch



Author, Integrator & Dreamer

Johanna’s writing has been a practical and approachable part of her clinical reflection, searching for ways to see the inherent wholeness and dignity of humans in relationship with each other and their community. As a migrant she learnt skills of pattern recognition when encountering unknown places, peoples and cultures that have been refined in her work as a general practitioner. Watching for patterns is a skill that the traumatised who have grown up in environments that are chaotic or confusing also use to navigate life. As an integrator, Johanna loves the patterns in the Celtic and folk quilting art of her ancestors, and in the Indigenous art of her adopted home. Bringing parts together to make a unified whole has become a fascination for her as a clinician working with parts of the person, as a researcher working with disciplinary approaches to knowledge, and now as a writer wording with words, ideas and dreams about influencing how we care for the most forgotten and invisible members of our community. 

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Rather than starting with parts and struggling to weave them together into a coherent whole, this work starts as an integrated whole, and uses that wholeness to integrate many smaller parts of knowledge and ways of knowing in a way that helpfully advances understanding, and I believe will stimulate useful action to advance healing and health.
— Professor Kurt Stange, PhD Thesis Examiner

Current Writing

Johanna is currently authoring a number of academic articles on the topic of generalism, recognising and responding to domestic and family violence and whole person approaches to distress in primary care. You can access her published work on these topics as well as recent blogs on our ‘Articles’ page and at her University of Queensland researcher page: here

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Healers are hosts who patiently and carefully listen to the story of the suffering strangers. Patients are guests who rediscover their selves by telling their story to the one who offers them a place to stay. In the telling of their stories, strangers befriend not only their host, but also their own past.
— HENRI NOUWEN (1975) (AS PER BALINT 1993 P. 93)

Past Writing

In 2009 Dr Johanna Lynch collaborated with her patients and some international poets to create a booklet of poems entitled Mending My Own Boat. This booklet was described by acclaimed poet and cartoonist Michael Leunig: “it’s a moving and poignant collection – very useful and valuable. Enchanting yet strong and real. It matters. Well done”

She writes blogs for Zest Infusion. She has also written for a couple of magazines in the past, including Bella Rae magazine for girls and Luke’s Journal. She has made submissions on key human rights issues to government enquiries.

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Book Release Updates

Latest news: A whole person approach to wellbeing: Building Sense of Safety is now in paperback! Check out Routledge, Amazon, the book depository or get in touch to find out more!